Monday, July 28, 2008

Why The Dark Knight was disappointing

Because I'm too lazy to retype this, here's my reasoning (from an IM with a friend):

[12:49] leetanker: you didnt like the dark knight?
[12:49] leetanker: WAH?
[12:49] leetanker: ARE YOU MAD?
[12:49] reallygreengiant: yeah I am. squandered.
[12:49] leetanker: i havent seen it yet, but i hear it rules
[12:50] reallygreengiant: 1) not enough of the Joker at the end
[12:50] reallygreengiant: 2) 3 villains - story moved too fast
[12:50] reallygreengiant: 3) why have stupid CSI scenes??
[12:51] reallygreengiant: 4) Why spend so much time on cellhpone/sonar tricks instead of us just watching batman do it??
[12:51] reallygreengiant: 5) Where was Batman's sadness at his loss??
[12:51] reallygreengiant: all in all, they did too much and should have focused on Joker v. Batman
[12:51] reallygreengiant: VERY disappointing
[12:51] leetanker: considering we arent going to see the joker again...
[12:51] reallygreengiant: and I am the only person in America who thinks this apparently
[12:51] reallygreengiant: lol
[12:52] leetanker: i hear ledger is gonna win an oscar for that
[12:52] reallygreengiant: joker was awesome, but not oscar worth - shit - he wasnt on camera enough!
[12:52] reallygreengiant: he might have been on camera a total of 30 mins
[12:52] leetanker: the guy died
[12:52] reallygreengiant: during shooting, I thought it was in pos production
[12:52] leetanker: cause he was so freaking wierded out by it
[12:52] leetanker: yeah, it was
[12:53] reallygreengiant: he died mixing too many presciprtion drugs. woops. sucks.
[12:53] leetanker: yeah, i blame the joker
[12:53] reallygreengiant: that's the tradegy - he was great, but they didnt utilize him enough!!!
[12:53] reallygreengiant: he wasn't on camera the last 30 mins

The recap and reasoning for my extreme disappointment in The Dark Knight:
1) not enough of the Joker at the end - not enough Joker at all
2) 3 villains - story moved too fast
3) why have stupid CSI scenes??
4) Why spend so much time on cellhpone/sonar tricks instead of us just watching batman do it?? We know Batman is full of cool tricks and can assume that stuff.
5) Where was Batman's sadness at his loss?? He mourned for 30 seconds

Main point: Heath was great - so why not focus on Batman vs Joker and let Heath get some screen time! Shame on you Chris Nolan. Do one story and do it superbly, and leave out Two Face, Scarecrow, and the CSI.